The Immune System

Finally, the breasts are located over the heart chakra and are our foremost relational organs. They are sensitive to emotional trauma and stress, and highly influenced by the balance of hormones and the buildup of toxins. Clearing our bodies of trauma energy and stress is a powerful and necessary step for lasting breast health and healing.

Natural Breast Health

Detoxification Pathways

The 6 Facets of Breast Health

Lymphatic System

Nutrition and Digestion

Breast Tissue

Detoxification pathways allow elimination of our metabolic waste and toxins. Because the breasts are largely fatty tissue, they often store the more difficult toxins to eliminate, namely the fat soluble toxins. Unless we detoxify the tissue, these toxins cause free-radical damage, degeneration and disease.  Thus, we must keep our organs that eliminate, healthy and vital. 

Psycho-Emotional Peace

Hormone Balance

The lymphatic system is part of the immune system and plays a significant role in the health of the breasts by moving and clearing debris and waste from the body and delivering white blood cells to protect us from infection. Taking care of low-grade, chronic infection and inflammation, as well as having good lymphatic flow is essential to good, clean breast health. 

​​​Seacoast Breast Health 

Breast tissue health is governed by many systems in the body. We have found that prevention of disease is best achieved by examination of the physiology and the function of the systems involved, in addition to breast palpation.

​​Breasts are made up of fatty connective tissue that produce and excrete milk.

Now that you have an introduction to the 6 Facets of Breast Health,

take the first step on your journey to having the best breast health ever

with a European Thermography breast analysis.

The breasts are stimulated and affected by specific hormones of the endocrine system, namely estrogen and progesterone, of which the supply and balance of these hormones is important.

When one or more of the endocrine glands are dysfunctional or deficient, it affects the balance of the whole system, which in turn affects the delicate estrogen and progesterone balance so necessary to breast health. 

Endocrine System

Having a good nutrient supply available every day not only promotes health for every organ in the body but makes healing possible and more efficient. A clean, nutrient-rich diet is the foundation for vibrant health.

Meanwhile, you can be eating the best organic, whole foods in town and still be nutrient-starved if your digestion and absorption is weak or impaired. This causes silent inflammation that drags down your immune system and burdens your lymphatic flow.

Here at Seacoast Breast Health our aim is to empower you to take specific action steps in caring for your precious breasts, and in doing so, we will care for your whole being. ​

​You are a unique individual with your own story, way of eating, specific gene pool, life activities, and stressors.  As such, when we look to optimize your breast health we will necessarily have to take your full story into account. This is what is meant by an integrative and individualized approach. 

Your breast tissue should not be viewed in isolation from the rest of your body.  It is part of your whole and relies on many systems for its health and optimal function.  When any of the systems in the 6 Facets of Breast Health are under duress or imbalanced, are sluggish or toxic, your breasts will be impacted to some degree.  

To the extent that we can identify and respond appropriately to our body's needs in these 6 areas is the extent to which we can achieve not only greater breast health but greater overall health and vitality. 

Let's briefly review each of the 6 Facets so you can understand this holistic principle.